eSign – Stricter validations will be enforced for signing with QES providers


Product: Scrive eSign
Published: 2025-01-25
Change: Stricter validations for processes using QES
Environment: All
Type: Mandatory, action necessary
Enforced as of: 2025-01-30


Stricter validation rules will apply to Scrive eSign processes using Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) methods, ensuring a more secure signing experience.

The changes are mandatory and will be enforced starting 30 January 2025.


If you are using QES methods in your Scrive eSign processes, you must comply with the new validation rules. This applies both when creating new processes and when using existing templates.

Failure to do so will disrupt your processes as of 30 January 2025.


A new option to add fields to the document will be introduced. It will be available for the following QES methods: swisscom_qes, swisscom_qes_with_srs, itsme_qes, and smart_id_qes.

Field placement will be disabled in specific cases: 

  • For the method verimi_qes
  • Parties with signatory_role set to viewer when another party signs with a QES method
  • The field type SignatoryFieldSignDate

Additionally, restrictions will apply for using hide_personal_number:

  • The option to hide the personal number from the evidence log and verification page will be disabled when when signing with a QES method.
  • It will not be possible to start the signing process for such a document in preparation.


These changes require action from all Scrive eSign users creating processes with QES methods for authentication to sign.

We recommend the following steps:

Review and update your processes

Check all processes where authentication to sign is set to verimi_qes and ensure no fields are placed.

Additionally, confirm that no fields are placed for parties with the signatory_role set to viewer or the field type SignatoryFieldSignDate when a QES method is used for authentication to sign.

Switch to an alternative configuration for the hide_personal_number setting

As stated, the option to hide the personal number from the evidence log and verification page will be disabled when using a QES method for signing.

Instead, you can enable the 'Hide personal number from verification page' option when preparing your document.

To apply this, please contact us so we can adjust your account settings.

You can also learn more about this functionality in our Help center.


If you have any further question, feel free to reach out to Scrive Tech Support by emailing referring to esign-001-2025.